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SUV with a trailer and a damaged motorcycle


Tow bar

Reliable Training Services

Off Road is a different matter entirely, and this is where most accidents occur. We can educate and test you and your employees in the knowledge and skills needed to safely remain in control of a towed item on and off road.

Driving the quad

Professional training for professional users

Every employer has a responsibility to train his or her staff and driving a 4-wheel drive vehicle off road is no exception. The techniques used are very different from on road driving.


To satisfy these demands, we offer several levels of training, all carried out by highly experienced instructors accredited with the British Off Road Driving Association (BORDA) or LANTRA. All training events are authorised under statute 1371 of the Road Traffic Act 1992.

Employers Duty of Care

It is a legal requirement to provide adequate training in both the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER). As well as covering an employer’s legal requirements many of our customers have told us they see benefits from 4×4 training for work with All Terrain Services such as:

✔ Reduced accidents

✔ Reduced wear and tear on vehicles

✔ Reduced repair costs

✔ Reduced down time

✔ Greater efficiency and productivity

Truck pulling trailer





To book or to learn more about our trailer training, please fill out the form or:

01792 862669

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